Power of song
This week’s parsha, Nasso, starts out with Moshe being
commanded to count the family of Gershon, a Levite tribe, to discern if they
were worthy of the following:
Organizing the departure of any woven material,
tapestries, curtains, etc, and transporting them.
Singing during the morning and afternoon
The choir was made up of twelve men, but more could be
added. Additionally, there was a harmonious orchestra, whose players were not
required to be Levites.
In the temple, the Gershon Levites would sing and play their
enchanting music. The Jewish people would hear the beautiful choir and become
encapsulated by the harmonious orchestra. Each day had a special Tehillim,
which the choir sang ever so magnificently. The most captivating Tehillim was
the Tehillim for Shabbot day (Tehillim 92:1).
This verse of Tehilim was not only referring to the weekly
Shabbot, but it was making a reference to the era after the final redemption,
known as the “great Shabbot of history.”
The essence of the weekly Shabbot is shedding light to what
the future redemption will hold. As we work all week and are privileged to
sanctify the holy Shabbot, during the redemption, we will be able to enjoy the
fruits of our life long labor.
Furthermore, after the destruction of the two temples, the
beautiful music ceased to play. Unfortunately, the songs we sing today do not
compare in kedusha-holiness- and are not as spiritually harmonious as they were
in the times of the temple.
Fortunately for us, our ears will hear the sweet
encapsulating songs of the Levites singing when the “great Shabbot of history”
graces us with her presence in the coming redemption. Until then, when we hear
music playing, we should have in mind how much sweeter the Levite choir will
sound in our future temple.