Thursday, September 20, 2012

Parshas Vayelech

This week’s parsha begins with Hashem revealing to Moshe that his last day on earth had arrived. Although Hashem had Heavenly decreed that Moshe’s death was imminent, Moshe nonetheless pleaded to Hashem to prolong his life.

Although Moshe’s pleads were heard, Hashem told him that there was nothing more He could do, nonetheless he kept praying to Hashem. Although his prayers were not answered according to his wishes, Moshe did not lose hope that Hashem would change the Heavenly decree and he persisted in prayer. Hashem comforted Moshe and let him know that he would be taken care of by Hashem, as He cares for us all, as a father cares endlessly for his children.

This should shed some light to us as we approach Yom Kippur. Although we may beg and plead with Hashem to grant us with what we think is good for us, ultimately, Hashem, our Father, knows what’s best. This should not push us from praying with all our hearts, but rather this should get us to contemplate what in fact we are praying for. With a heightened awareness in our teffilah, we can focus on what our neshamah truly wants from this New Year, a year filled with spiritual development and success! May we all be blessed with the discipline and commitment to achieve such great heights!

Quotes that matter

“In all matters, save this one, there is hope. A person can hope to become rich, or strong, wise, or powerful, but no man can hope to be saved from death and live forever” (Yeshayahu 22:13).

This Midrash is teaching us that rather than having the non-Jewish perspective about life, to “eat, drink, for tomorrow we will die,” our sages caution to tell us that because our time on earth is so limited, we should spend that limited time chasing worthy pursuits. By recognizing how precious our lives are, we can look to make the most of every minute.

Another year has flown by; Yom Kippur is on the rise, time is ticking away. Have you spend it wisely or foolishly? We should be inspired to take these next few days and contemplate how we can spend our time more wisely this year.

Some things to ponder: How can I make more time for learning and fulfilling the Divine Will?
How can I spend more quality time with family and friends/make more time for chesed?
What steps can I take to develop my middot more?
How can I intensify my meditation on Hashem’s infinite Oneness?

By focusing our energies on these worthy pursuits, we are without question becoming better people. Developing these areas of the self will prepare us for the world to come, where we will enjoy all the mitzvot and all the learning we accomplished.