Thursday, November 28, 2013

Know Where You Stand- Parshat Miketz


         In this weeks parsha, parshat Miketz Pharoh has two dreams and needed someone to interpret them. The wine steward recommended Yoseph to Paroh. Yoseph was immediately taken out of prison and he shaved and changed his clothes before he came to Pharoh. Yoseph didn't want to get cleaned up because before he was put into prison he was very into his looks and how his hair looked so for as a rectification- tikkun he didn't want to look beautiful like he did when he was about to sin. However, since he saw his father Yaakov it prevented him from doing the act thinking it is what Hashem wants of him to do. Even though that time Yoseph felt a state of confusion whether he was to be with Potiphars wife or not he didn't know what the correct move was to make until he saw his fathers face. Yaakov was all about Emet- truth so right away Yosef knew it was wrong and he ran the other direction. We can many things from this act that Yoseph did. No matter where a person finds himself he always needs to remember "Who am I?" When a person is giving himself that constant awareness he will make sure not fall spiritually. Yoseph then interprets Pharos dreams that the first seven years Egypt will be plentiful and the seven years after that there will be a famine. Pharoh was getting worried and didn't know who to appoint to make sure that there will be food for the following seven years when there will be a famine. So, Pharoh decided to make Yoseph viceroy over Egypt. Yosephs brothers come down to Egypt to bring back food for their families. When Yoseph saw his brothers he accussed them of being spies and the brothers understood why this was happening to them. Since they did not pay any attention to Yoseph when he was being sold so too, in return they werent getting the attention that they need. Instead of Yoseph giving them food for their families and assisting them with their needs he is trying to show them that he is their brother Yoseph that they sold into slavery. The brothers took the situation and searched their souls and looked within themselves for the cause of their misfortune. When a person is admitting their fault usually what happens is that they will admit that they were wrong but then justify themselves and say "but..." When a person does proper Teshuva his averot-sins turn into reward. We learn another tremendous lesson, we need to be very careful with the words that come out of our mouth and the actions that we do because if we somehow pained another Jew Hashem doesn't forget He will remind you of the pain you caused the other person- middah keneged midda- what goes around comes around.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Segulot For Chanukka

Special Segulot for Chanukah

1. It is a Segula to buy or prepare the most beautiful Menorah you have. This shows that you are thankful to HaShem for everything you have and for all the miracles that happen to you on a daily basis.

2. It is a Segula to light the candles of Chanukah with Olive Oil. As we learn this from Shlomo HaMelech, “Ki Ner Mitzvah v’Torah Ohr -- a candle represents a Mitzvah and the Torah is the light." Through performance of Mitzvot, we bring the Light of Torah to the world and illuminate the darkness around us. Therefore, lighting the Menorah is a precious Mitzvah and using olive oil is the best way to fulfill it, this gives us a zekhut(merit) for:

• Banim Tzadikim (Righteous Kids), who will be smart and great in the Torah

• Excellent memory for you and your family

• Great eyesight, will be able to see things with a clearer perception

3. It is a big Segula to light the candles of Chanukah in your house. Rabbi Nachman mi Breslev stated that when one lights the Menorah at home, it brings more blessing and light into the house. HaShem himself comes down and visits your home and provides you with all the blessings and miracles you want.

4. After you light the candles, it is a Segula to stay seated by the candles and to pray next to them for half-an-hour. This allows your Tefilot (prayers) to be answered much faster.

5. One must avoid speaking Lashon Hara (slander) while the Chanukah lights are on, because HaShem’s Shekhina and Kedushah dwells in your home while the candles are burning.

6. The fifth night of Chanukah is a Segula for miracles and to change the order of the world in a positive manner. The fifth night of Chanukah never falls out on Shabbat kodesh.

7. Segula for Single girls on Erev Shabbat of Chanukah:

• First have the father of the house light the Chanukiyah. The shamash of the Menorah symbolizes the mother, while the candles being lit symbolizes the children.

• After the Menorah has been lit, ladies usher in the peace and sanctity of Shabbat by lighting their candles as a symbol of "Shamor veZakhor" -- represents man and wife. This is the time to ask, pray to find your Zivug (soulmate) and build a proper Jewish home.

8. The eight day of Chanukah is called "Zot HaChanuka", a Segulah for Pri Beten, to get pregnant and give birth. When all the 8 candles of the Menorah are lit, you should recite Chapter 80 in Tehillim. This chapter mentions "look and impregnate this gefen(wine/grape)". Accordingly, when you pray you should mention "just like grapes are plentiful and come in bunches, HaShem should also make me fruitful, give me children like grapes." In addition, it is customary to add "just like my family and I had the zekhut to light all 8 candles of Chanukah, so too, I should be zoche (merit) to do the Brit Mila for my son on his eighth day." Ahhmen!

9. If you know of someone that needs to become more religious, on Erev Rosh Chodesh Tevet, December 2nd pray by the Chanukah candles that they should become more observant, find more meaning in life by growing on the path of Torah v'Mitzvot. Why specifically Rosh Chodesh Tevet? Because Avraham Avinu passed away on this day. Before he passed away, he saw that his son Yishmael was starting to become more religious. If Yishmael was able to become religious, then anyone can study Torah, observe Mitzvot  and live a beautiful, meaningful, sustainable Jewish life...  Rosh Chodesh Tevet is an auspicious time for Teshuva.

10. Giving Tzedaka before lighting the Menorah is a big Segula for getting your Tefillot (prayers) answered and having good parnassa (livelihood) . 

11. It is a Segula to read the following Chapters in Tehillim after lighting the candles on all 8 days of Chanukah in the following order:

• Chapter 90: Read the last Pasuk from this chapter. "Vayehi Noam HaShem …" Then go straight into reading Chapter 91

• Chapter 91: Segula for protection and salvation from any sicknesses or anything bad. Before the Jews went to fight the yevanim, they said this Perek and they were able to win.

How to say this Perek: 7 times out loud, 1 time quietly to yourself.

• Chapter 30: Segula to get rid of fears and anxiety

• Chapter 33

• Chapter 67: This Perek is in the shape of the Menora. Segulah for protection. Make sure you read it in the form and shape of the Menora

• Chapter 19

• Chapter 100

• Chapter 133

• Chapter 144

After you have recited all the above Perakim, its times to ask/pray for anything you want while the gates are wide open. It is important for each of us to ask for Mashiakh all throughout Chanukah.  משיח is hinted in the words: מדליקים שמונה ימי חנוכה 

Last but definitely not least; ask for a Miracle, a BiG miracle in the merit of Chanukah.  Ask for something that you think is impossible and that will be considered a miracle if it happens b'Ezrat HaShem! 


May we merit to see wondrous miracles this Chag and ultimately witness the most precious miracle of all: the arrival of Mashiakh Tzidkeinu and the rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash  Bimhera Biyamenu, Amen.

Laws of Chanukkah

This year Chanukah begins on Wednesday night, the 27th of November, and continues through the 5th of December.
Below are some basic laws concerning the lighting of the Menorah.
 On the first night, 3 blessings are recited before the lighting:
שהחיינו )3 and שעשה ניסים )2 להדליק נר חנוכה )1
 On all other nights, only the first two blessings are recited. If one forgot to recite the 3rd blessing on the first night, he may recite it within a half hour of lighting the candles. Otherwise, the blessing may be recited on the 2nd night or on any one of the following nights of Chanukah.
 The Sephardic custom is that only 1 person in each household lights with the blessings. Anyone else in the
family that wants to
light must do so without
reciting the blessings. HaRav Ovadia Yossef warns that the one reciting the blessings
should light before anyone over the age of “chinuch” (approximately 7 yrs. old with knowledge about Mitzvot).
 The preferred practice is to light the candles by a window facing the public domain, or by the door post opposite the Mezuzah. Nevertheless, lighting on the dining room table would also suffice.
 One must provide enough oil or use long enough candles to sustain a flame for 30 minutes and must only light the candles in a location where they will not be blown out by the wind.
When Chanukah falls out on a Friday, such as in December,
should be lit right before lighting the Shabbat candles.