In parshat ve'etchan it says" וראה בעיניך"
"And see with your eyes "
It would have been enough to write and see. Why was it necessary to write with your eyes?
is a hint that Moses received רוח הקודש (Divine Spirit) or Prophecy
that allowed him to see the entire history and future of the land of
Israel. Another explanation is that it comes to teach us that while we
cannot always change the reality of a situation, we can change our
perception and reaction to it.
life, when something happens to us our Rabbis teach us that whatever
happens is for our best. How can it be for our best that the Beit Hamikdash was destroyed?
don't necessarily see the good in what Hashem does for us. For us it
seems bad because we don't see the full picture. However, Hashem had
mercy on us, instead of destroying the entire Jewish nation He destroyed
His home. So how is this good? During the times of the Beit Hamikdash only the Cohanim were allowed to enter now we can allow Hashem in our mini-beit hamikdash, our homes. Every Jewish family has the ability to allow Hashem's presnece rest in their homes or not.
can't tolerate tumah (impurity) that's why there is a spiritual blockage, the
light of the שכינה (Hashems presence) isn't there to shine on us
therefore Hashems שכינה (presence) doesn't rest there.
The way to apply this concept in our homes today is by understanding that your
home is a mini בית המקדש (beit hamikdash) and the wife/mother is a כהן
(cohen) her table is the שולחן (shulchan) her שבת (shabbat) candles are
the מנורה (candelabra). Since A wife/mother is a כהן (cohen) in her home she
has to make sure that there is no spiritual blockage in the home. That
Hashem can rest his שכינה (presence) there without having to leave. Some of these blockages are:
Television, video games, non Jewish music, magazines etc..
challenge and situation that Hashem gives us is an opportunity for us to see
our growth and strength towards the challenge. There are many
challenges brought to our homes. A wife-mother needs to protect her Beit
Hamikdash from all the garbage the yetzer hara has to offer. This world
is known as "olam deshikra" a world of lies. Meaning, that thru our
eyes it seems terrible but when we go to shamayim after 120 years we
will understand why everything happened to us and it will all be 100%
clear. The wife/mother is the foundation of the home. If she has the right perspective on how to accept the challenges that Hashem gives her and she accepts it with love she is raising a family with the correct attitude towards Hashem.