Friday, August 22, 2014

Parshat RE'eh "Be a Blessing"

                                              ראה אנכי נתן לפניכם היום ברכה וקללה.          

See I place before you today a blessing and a curse (11: 26).

The word ראה contains the word אר orlight. This connection teaches us that if we observe G-ds commandments and are able to differentiate between right and wrong, then we can increase the amount of light in the universe.

The directive ראה (See) is written in the singular form, while the word לפניכם is written in the plural form. This is in order to teach us that G-d not only values us as a nation, as it is written,

והיתם לי לעם סגולה

but that he also values each of us as individuals, like a father who loves each of his children.

...ראה אנכי

See I..

Why does G-d use the אנכי form of I, instead of the אני form here?

To teach that in order to merit the first of the Ten Commandments,

אנכי ה אלקיך

I am G-d your Lord

we have to see G-ds deeds. We have to open our eyes and see G-ds creation starting with the daily functions of our body to the rules of the cosmos.

Additionally, the word אנכי can be read as אנוכי or selfish, because when a person is consumed with his ego, he can not see his surroundings and understand that everything is from above.

(Exerted from parsha to go)