The generation before the flood was living the dream! They
had everything they needed and didn’t think they needed to follow G-d’s
authority. They were knowingly guilty of idol worship, bloodshed, and
immorality (three of the six commandments Hashem gave over to Adam). They said,
what purpose do we need still need Him? We do not even require His help
to obtain water, since we need no rain. We get abundant supply of water from
different sources; we have the streams and wells of the earth!” Hashem answered
them, “Is it with the very goodness that I bestowed upon you that you
rebel against Me?! I shall punish you with the same substance, rain water,
and therefore, (6:17), ‘I will bring the flood of water.’
The generation before the flood completely turned from
Hashem. They were prosperous and gained their independence from Him through
witchcraft. They worshiped idols, they murdered, and they were sexual immoral
(Many men took two wives, one for childbearing and one for pleasure. Men
exchanged wives. They arranged marriage contracts between man and beasts.) This
generation had been taught the laws Adam was given, yet they still chose to sin.
Moreover, Hashem in His great mercy, was going to spare this generation, had
they repented; however, their additional sin of robbery was inexcusable.
Does this sound familiar? WE live in that very same
world! A world where people think they are completely independent from Hashem (worshiping themselves and their accomplishments, rather than recognizing that their success is from Hashem)
and where people knowingly ignore Hashem’s commandments!
Today we live in the
most affluent society known to mankind, where we are independent thinkers, too advanced to believe in G-d. Ironically, we are enslaved by this corrupting ideology! Our society has been corrupted by
material abundance, which has caused immense pandemonium! Our society worships
materialism, we have become desensitized by bloodshed, and people are more
promiscuous than ever! Rather than learning from the mistakes made in history,
we repeat them!
The only way to achieve true harmony and avoid any future
destruction is through living according to Hashem’s dictates. The Torah is not just a book of restrictions, as many people like to argue, but rather, the wisdom of the
Torah teaches us how to be freed from being dependent on this materialistic and corrupting society, as the
generation before the flood and our current generation are ruled by.
the Torah teaches us how to rule over the physical dimension that our society is poisoned by (Judaism teaches to take the physical and material world and elevate it to get closer to
Hashem, examples include: using your wealth to help the needy, saying prayers before eating,
getting married according to the Torah standards--sexuality challenged
properly, etc.).
Moreover, by recognizing that we are completely dependent on
Hashem for everything we have, and not dependent on our material desires, we will develop a heighten appreciation for all the kindness He bestows upon us. Parshas Noach teaches us just that! Don't let the allure of independence poison you to forget your true dependence on Hashem!