Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Parshas B’shalach- Torah for your Table- Spice up the Shabbot table in under 1 minute!

 This weeks parsha discusses Bnai Israel’s journey into the desert. After hundreds of thousands of Egyptians were killed from the tenth plague, the slaying of the first born, Pharaoh finally allowed the Jews to leave Egypt.  He was so happy to have them leave at this point; he basically escorted them out of his land. However, after Pharaoh had sent out the Jews, some of his noblemen admonished what he had did, saying,
“What have you done? There were many wise men and professionals among them, and consider all the men, women, and children whose assignments were left unfinished on account of their leaving. In addition, they asked us for gold, silver, and vessels, thus carrying away our entire fortune. “

After hearing this, Pharaoh had recognized how valuable the Jews really were to him, and regretted letting them free.
From this, we can learn that only after something is gone do we really appreciate it. We all take things in our lives for granted, our family, friends, health, home, food, clothing, shelter, etc., because it may not be up to par with what we think we want. We should look at all the beauty in our lives and remember to have the utter most gratitude for it now, rather than appreciating when it’s gone.

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