Thursday, June 7, 2012

'Here Yeh Here Yeh Moshe has arrived!'

This parsha continues to discuss Hashem declaring that those who fear Hashem will be promoted to a position of authority.  Because of the fear Moshe had for Hashem, Hashem made Moshe the leader of the Jewish people. Hashem said that Moshe was equivalent to a Jewish king, and like a Jewish king, who has trumpets blown for him before going into battle, Moshe too, needed trumpets to be blown for only him.

Moshe’s trumpets were made of silver and contained special kedusha- holiness. Additionally, no other king thereafter was permitted to use them. The trumpets were blown during the following occasions:
1.    Signaling when Bnai Israel was to depart.
2.    To assemble the nation of Israel together.
3.    To assemble the nesi’im- leader of the Tribes- together.
Thereafter, Hashem commanded that a trumpet be blown for the later generations for the following reasons:
       1. During times of calamity, drought, plague, an enemy attack, etc. the essence of the blowing the trumpet was to signal Bnai Israel to cry out to Hashem for help, thereafter, Hashem would come and rescue them from danger.

Upon hearing the sounds of the trumpets, Bnai Israel would become alarmed and this would push them to teshuva-repent- in order to get Divine assistance from above.

Essentially, in times of personal or national distress, we should hear the blaring sounds of the trumpets within. Hashem is signaling to us all that He desires our teshuva. We must open our ears and hearts to the alarming sounds and recognize that these calamities are present because they are signals for us to change our ways and rekindle our connection with Hashem.

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