When Bnai Israel experienced Har Sinai- the revelation at
Mount Sinai- they were completely immersed in the shechina-presence- of
Hashem. After saying “na’aseh
venishma”- we will do and we will hear- they became elevated to a status
similar to the angels, similar to Adam before the sin, they had become
immortal. Of all the generations, Hashem had chosen this generation to receive
the Torah. If the people in that generation were considered to be
tzaddikim-righteous- in the eyes of Hashem, how could they have committed such
a transgression? And why did Hashem not protect them from sinning?
Interestingly enough, Hashem allowed their pursuits in creating the golden calf
because the sin would shed light for the rest of the Jewish generations proceeding
them. Hashem allowed Bnai Israel to repent after the sin; hence, Hashem was
showing that no matter how far we will stray as a Jewish community, there are
always opportunities to do teshuva-repent. Even after the harsh sin of the golden calf, Hashem gave Bnai
Israel the opportunity to repent. What a merciful G-d we have. No matter how
far we stray, He always gives us opportunities to come back to Him and rebuild
a relationship with Him.
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