After Moshe received the Torah from Hashem, he stayed in Heaven for forty days to learn the entire Torah directly from Hashem’s mouth. Moshe studied diligently but he could not retain any of the Torah principles he heard from Hashem. Even after forty days of learning, his mind was blank. Therefore, Hashem granted him a gift to retain the Torah he was learning. This serves as a lesson for people who make excuses for themselves that they have a poor memory when it comes to studying Torah, or any other subject. Rather, they should look at Moshe as an example. Even though he had major difficulties in studying and retaining the Torah, he nevertheless continued and persevered. Because of the intensity he put forth, Hashem granted him with ability to retain all his studies. This should serve as an example for us. We should continue to put in all our hishtagloots- efforts- and know that in the end, the rest is up to Hashem. If He wants our hard work to pay off, it will, nevertheless, we must persevere and show we want to succeed in all our endeavors.
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